delegate with confidence
Grow your business with less stress, fewer overheads and more focus.
Grow your business with less stress, fewer overheads and more focus.
Are you an overworked executive with no time for you family, food or sleep?
Too busy? Juggling loads of projects? Wearing too many hats? You can't do everything yourself. Outsource the details.
Need more leads for your sales team? Database out-of-date?
Phones ringing off the hook?
Looking for more staff to help you out, but it's not yet a full-time job?
We can bridge the gap.
“Your team has been amazing, helping us build a website & branding package, and all the extra admin tasks.
I found you guys super easy to deal with, and I just wanted to say thanks for everything. If a potential client ever has any doubts, tell them to call me!”
So, you’ve decided to work with an Executive Assistant—awesome! As we always say, you don’t need much to get started. Just a good attitude, a rough idea of what you want to delegate, and your big boy pants so you can actually put some trust in this new stranger suddenly managing your life.
But if you want to turn that EA relationship into a legendary one—think cheese paired with wine—it’s going to take a bit more than that…
While employees spend the holidays relaxed and festive, many business owners are secretly fretting over whether they crossed all the t’s and dotted all the i’s before the end-of-year close.
All you want to do is unwind, sip some cocoa and give your family your undivided attention. But you can’t keep your mind from wandering back to work.
Maybe you missed a few goals this year, and you’re worried next year will bring more of the same. Maybe it was a year of growth, and you’re not sure if you’re set up to keep the momentum.
It’s critical to spend the weeks before break pulling your socks up, getting organised and planning ahead for a successful year.
Follow our end-of-year checklist so you can spend your break opening presents and decking the halls, not opening emails and making calls. Come back in January relaxed, recharged and ready to go.
Most people dislike debt collection. It can feel so icky. But you deserve to be paid! Here are some tips for getting the money you’re owed without feeling like you need a shower.
Well done – you listened to the experts, bunkered down and wrote a business strategy.
But don’t relax just yet.
Though organisations all over the world spend millions each year devising new strategies, Gartner says fewer than half actually execute on them.
You, my friend, are going to be in that elite group that executes – and succeeds. Because we are going to show you how.
Is the idea of a business strategy overblown? After all, there are loads of businesses out there chugging merrily along without one. Loads more have some vague ideas they like to call a strategy, but are really more like a wishlist.
So yeh, maybe flying by the seat of your pants can work – for a while.
You may be able to run a business without a strategy, but you can’t grow it. Sooner or later, you will hit a wall you can’t break through, and you’ll be stuck there spinning your wheels while the rest of your industry zooms on by.
You also won’t know how to build resilience or change course if you need to, making your business vulnerable to disruptions – like economic downturns, changing markets, alien invasions and whatever other scary thing pops up on your newsfeed.
OK, so a strategy might not feel necessary in your day-to-day. But it’s actually a pretty big deal if you want your business to have long-term security.
Loads of stressed-out executives out there have a sneaky suspicion a virtual executive assistant could make their lives so much easier. (Spoiler alert: they’re right.) But they don’t hire one because they’re not sure what the process is like or what they’d have an EA do.
At Zembr, we take the mystery out of the decision with a clearly documented process we call the Zembr Experience. Let’s walk through it with an imaginary business owner so you can see just how easy it can be to streamline your life.
Newsflash: Your time and energy supplies are limited.
If you want to be truly productive, treat your time like money. Don’t waste it, invest it wisely and get as much out of it as you can.
Enter the 4 Areas of Execution – a framework for getting more done in less time without losing your mind.
If you feel burnt out or stuck no matter how hard you work, there’s probably an issue in one of these areas: time and task management, delegation, accountability, and the most magical unicorn of all, work-life balance.
Fed up with feeling flat-out? Sick of seeming swamped? Irritated by never-ending to-dos?
(Yeah, we lost the trick a bit there at the end. Alliteration’s hard.)
Well grab a coffee, sit up straight and pay attention. We’re about to set you on a path to the New You.
New You isn’t drowning in tasks. New You is the master of time management. New You gets it all done with time left over.
Here’s how.
It feels like modern adulting wasn’t made for mere mortals. Work hard! Go out with your friends! Family night! Daily exercise! Recycle! Hydrate! DIY home repair! Volunteer! Self-care! And don’t forget to work hard!
A lot of people can’t even talk about maintaining work life balance because that would imply they have a balance to maintain.
We’ve got you, superhero. We know you’re doing your best. Now let’s get you balanced so your days feel less like, “Aah! Stress!” and more like “Ahh, yes.”
Looking for a flexible remote career?
Want to be part of a vibrant and passionate team of problem solvers?
If you’d like to join our diverse and ever-growing team and become part of the family,
check out the roles we are recruiting for now.
If time is money – and it is – sales processes sure do waste a lot of it.
According to Salesforce, the average rep spends just 28% of the day on sales activities like prospecting and interacting with customers.
Where does the other 72% go? Most of it goes to administrative tasks like planning, generating proposals and entering data in the CRM.
Consider a high-value sales rep’s salary – that’s a fair bit of dosh for data entry. Not to mention the cost of missed revenue opportunities.
One study estimated companies may lose as much as 38% of potential revenue every quarter to inefficiencies in their sales process.
Taken all together, it’s pretty clear the fastest way to fatten up the bottom line is to slim down reps’ to-do lists.