OUR Culture

You wanna know who you’re working with, right? After all, we’re elbow deep in your inbox, your accounts or your database of contacts. So sit back, pour yourself your drink of choice, and enjoy perusing our historical awesomeness! Alternatively, if you’re thinking about becoming a Zembrite, and you’re a feisty, quirky, fabulous, talented and conscientious human, have a look our careers page.


Happy 3 Years TO US!

It pays to take a few minutes to sit back once in a while and reflect on where you are, and how you got there. This infographic reflects just a few of the key achievements of #teamzembr throughout 2020.

Wow. Despite an emotionally & physically intense year, honestly, I couldn't be more proud of my team. An incredible effort by everyone. Can't wait to see what goals we kick this year! Bring on 2021!


Team update Fun

We do weekly end of week 'Water Cooler' updates on team chat to keep up connection & a spot of accountability, with a twist.


The Secret Ingredient

We've had an INSANE year, and achieved some incredible results. But not without a heap of hard work...and something else we identified as a non-negotiable ingredient.

Sshh, It's like KFC's secret 11...

Forensic Followup.



Despite the current concerns, we had one of our best team meeting vibes ever this morning! Everyone had 3 mins to illustrate cartoon style their top win for the week...and look at the million dollar artwork that materialized! Who would've known we had a ready made team of cartoonists at our finger tips... ;)


First ImpressionS

First impressions matter. We enlisted Zed Gifting to curate a custom onboarding gift for our newbies, including nibbles, our favourite company book + even some little core values cards all in our branded colours.

Super chuffed with them, and think our new team members will be too! How do you welcome new team members to the fold?



PASSIONATE is one of our 4 Core Values.

We loved how one of our Virtual Assistants went a little 'extra' to show some client love last week, and personally shouted her Argentine client some facturas to celebrate a great week, & her NZ & Australian clients a coffee for a little boost!

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Oh hey Brisbane!

Pre-Covid, we got to pop up to the Sunshine State and do some networking sessions.

We hope the attendees enjoyed themselves as much as we did.

Looking forward to do more again soon!


Happy 1st Birthday uS

The team presented Eloise with a 1 Year Birthday and Thankyou gift at our monthly team meeting last week (via Zoom of course)!

Little moments like these truly do make the hard work pay off - there's nothing quite like knowing your team has your back and appreciates what you do.


The Scariest Step

Only 3 months into my business journey, my mentors pushed me to make the best decision I ever made for my business.

It was tough. And scary.

Can you guess what it was?


EOS kickoff IN Sydney

After our initial Focus & Vision Building days, the leadership team are pumped up & massively passionate about getting our journey well underway. We know EOS will take us to the next level, help us meet our exciting goals & growth, and we can't wait to use our learnings & tools to help our clients along the way.

Stay tuned for some great changes & improvements over the next 90 days...and beyond!



Also pre-Covid, we had an amazing time in Argentina with our EA & Teleservices team! Was excellent meeting and spending face to face time with each of team member - a luxury that a remote team doesn't often get.
The team training event was massively helpful, and I can't wait to see the new changes and skills learnt, put into practice for our clients around the globe! Watch this space for further updates & new ideas popping up over the next few weeks.


Hubspot Conference

Attended the Hubspot #growanz19 conference in Sydney to catch up on some of the latest in sales & marketing and meet with service & systems providers.
Excellent time and some very helpful content for both ourselves & our clients!