5 tips to go from loathing the phone to “give me more numbers to dial please!”

  1. Not many people start off “liking” telemarketing. The key is training; and experimenting with what brings your company results. As you become more competent and begin seeing results, you can stand picking up the phone more and even enjoy setting yourself targets. If any managers are reading this, please train your callers! You will see changes in attitude, calls made, quotas hit, and data/profits received. If you are the caller – and frustrated that your boss is not offering you training – there is a lot of free and low-cost information on the internet you could start off with. You could train yourself, but don’t forget to ASK your manager to consider formally training you. Busy people tend not to have the time to read minds, so if you don’t ask, you are not helping yourself!

  2. If you are calling or following up existing clients, and you find the conversation is a bit starchy and both your guards are up, try smiling. Seriously, acting like you are calling up an old friend will change the way you chat from awkward politeness into a jovial discussion, which is a rare thing in the middle of a long working day. In fact, this will make them look forward to your calls, and you will be the one who has to cut the call short!

  3. The worst feeling is having 100 calls to make and the 2pm slump has just hit. So, stand up. There is no rule that says you must be sitting to make calls, and if there is, maybe shut the office door or “accidentally” hide your chair…?! Your energy will boost, and that will not only help you stay focused and interested, but the other party will notice your enthusiasm and you will have better results.

  4. You might just be calling to inquire about a particular piece of data, such as updating contact details or to ask about their current supplier. However, if a client voluntarily diverts to other information, grab your notebook! This is as beneficial as an expensive focus group, so let go of your quotas for a few minutes while they impart pain points in their own language or share flaws about the competition. This information could help the marketing or sales teams in your company, whether it be information to use with that particular client or if it has industry-wide application. Nothing builds rapport like a client or potential client feeling like they were listened to; and later, someone mentioning or resolving an issue that they spoke about.

  5. Talk to the receptionist! Even better if you are answering company calls as well as making them; but receptionists are the best to tally frequently asked questions. Give them a place to jot questions that come in, and then they can count how often and where from. Not only is this information helpful for updating the website or including inside marketing tools, but outbound callers can use the list to refer to if they asked difficult questions on a call, in case it saves them having to transfer the call.

Share this with someone who does telemarketing or other calls but could do with some encouraging tips. We will have more tips around phone-calls going forward, so comment with your tele struggles and we will do our best to help!

P.S. Zembr have trained telemarketers who can do outbound calls to suit your businesses goals. If you keep finding yourself low on people who can include outbound calling in their day, or are not getting the results you want, reach out. We have learnt a lot about what type of calls are the most profitable and would love to help you hit your goals!